Current Vacancies
We do not currently have any vacancies
Work Experience Students and EMS
Unfortunately we do not offer placements or work experience at Whitestone Veterinary Clinic, however we are able to accommodate some requests at Paws Veterinary Health Centre and Midshire Farm & Equine:
Please note, however, that we receive many more requests for such placements than we have availability. We give preference to university undergraduate students, and all our availability is booked many months (sometimes a year or so!) in advance.
We encourage younger students considering becoming a vet or veterinary nurse to gain experience with animals via such means as work on farms, at stables, kennels or other similar placements. Such experience will be invaluable when applying for a veterinary degree course.
You can find more information on veterinary careers at the RCVS website here
Further information on a Veterinary Nursing Career can be found
Further information on a Veterinary Receptionist Career can be found